Package “NINA Ancentral Retreat” 3night/2days

NINA Ritual, Pisac Ruins, Fire and Cacao Ceremony, Cooking and Ceramics Workshop, Full-Day Trek to Intipunko (Ollantaytambo) and Visit to Ollantaytambo Ruins

Explore Andean Spirituality: Ignite, Create, and Connect with Your Soul

Join us for the NINA RETREAT, a soul-enriching journey into Andean spirituality in the Sacred Valley. Experience sacred fire ceremonies, ancestral rituals, and hands-on workshops in traditional cooking and ceramics. Discover ancient ruins and serene landscapes while connecting deeply with Andean culture. Explore, create, and renew amidst the beauty of the Andes.

Day 1: Pisac Ruins, Fire and Cacao Ceremony, Cooking and Ceramics Workshop

Morning: Arrival and Welcome

Arrival at Mama Green Veggie Hostal:

  • Enjoy a welcome drink of herbal tea or local fruit juice as we introduce the retreat and provide an overview of the two-day experience.
  • Experience the distribution of coca leaves and other essential ritual elements.
  • Enjoy the organic veggie breakfast at mama green veggie hostal.

Late Morning: Visit to Pisac Ruins

  • Transportation to Pisac.
  • Guided tour of the ancient Incan ruins, exploring terraces, temples, and breathtaking views of the Sacred Valley.
  • Explore the ancient Inca ruins of Pisac on a guided tour, marveling at terraces, temples, and panoramic views of the Sacred Valley.

at 8am-12pm

with NINA Retreat

Midday: Lunch in Pisac, cacao and fire ceremony in Huincho

Lunch in Pisac:

  • Traditional lunch with local and healthy foods in Pisac.
  • Opportunity to explore the town and visit local markets or artisans.

Cooking and Ceramics Workshop

  • Immerse yourself in local culture with hands-on experiences in Andean cuisine.
  • Learn traditional ceramic techniques and create your own pieces inspired by ancestral designs.
  • Learn traditional Andean ceramic techniques from local artisans. Create your own ceramic piece inspired by local designs and symbols.

Fire and Cacao Ceremony Preparation in Huincho Village 

  • Conducted by a local shaman in the Andean village. Ritual involving offerings, chants, and guided meditations centered around the element of fire.
  • Reflection on the importance of fire and its connection with transformation and renewal.

at 12pm-18pm

with NINA Retreat

Night: Return to Urubamba and  MAMAGREEN

Dinner  to Urubamba:

  • Traditional Andean dinner prepared by local villagers. Participation in cultural activities such as music, dance, and storytelling around a bonfire.

Return to MAMAGREEN:

  • Transportation back to MAMAGREEN. Time for relaxation and reflection.

at 18pm

with NINA Retreat

Day 2: Full-Day Hike to Inti Punku (Sun Gate)

Morning: Breakfast and Preparation


  • Healthy, local food served at MAMAGREEN.
  • Final preparations for the full-day hike. Early
  • Morning: Hike to Inti Punku
  • Local and nutritious veggie breakfast at Mama Green.
  • Healthy, local food served at MAMAGREEN.

Departure to Inti Punku:

  • Transportation to the starting point of the full-day hike to Inti Punku.
  • Briefing on the hike, safety instructions, and what to expect.
  • Full-Day: Hike to Inti Punku.

Start of the Hike:

  • Full-day guided hike to Inti Punku (Sun Gate).
  • Stops for guided meditations, lunch in nature, and reflections.
  • Information about the local flora, fauna, and historical significance of Inti Punku.

at 8am-17pm

with NINA Retreat

Late Afternoon: Return to Urubamba

Return to Urubamba:

  • Transportation back to Urubamba.
  • Lunch with local flavors and organic ingredients.
  • Visit AMA restaurant for the lunch.
  • Time to relax and freshen up.

Closing Ceremony:

  • Final reflection on the two-day experience.
  • Gratitude ritual and space to share thoughts and emotions.
  • Farewell and distribution of a small handmade souvenir.

Return to Mama Green Veggie Hostal:

  • Group reflection on the experience.
  • Farewell ceremony and sharing of final thoughts and experiences.

at 17pm-8pm

with NINA Retreat

Love NINA Retreat?

Benefits of the Experience:


  • Spiritual Connection:

Immerse yourself in the ancestral spirituality of the Sacred Valley through meaningful ceremonies and guided meditations.

  • Cultural Enrichment:

Discover the rich history of the Incas by exploring ruins and participating in authentic cultural activities.

  • Physical and Mental Well-being:

Enjoy physical activity in stunning natural surroundings, promoting relaxation and spiritual balance.

  • Sustainability and Respect:

Support responsible tourism practices that preserve the cultural and natural heritage of the Sacred Valley.


From $350 per person

From $390 per person + 3 nigth room