Package “Ancentral Retreat” 7 Night / 8 Days

Ancestral Plant Medicine Retreat in the Sacred Valley of the Incas, Peru (09 Dec 2024 – 16 Dec 2024)

Begin a transformative journey in the Sacred Valley of the Incas, where ancient plant medicines awaken the spirit, heal the body, and connect the soul with the ancestral wisdom of Pachamama.

Join us for the ANCESTRAL PLANT MEDICINE RETREAT in the Sacred Valley of the Incas, where ancient traditions meet modern healing. Over eight days, immerse yourself in transformative ceremonies with Ayahuasca, San Pedro, Kambo, and more, guided by experienced shamans. Engage in yoga, meditation, and various workshops designed to integrate and deepen your experience. This journey offers a unique opportunity to heal the body, awaken the spirit, and connect with the wisdom of Pachamama. Secure your spot now and step into a world of profound spiritual awakening and renewal.

Day 1: Arrival and Opening Ceremony / Day 2: Preparation and First Ayahuasca Ceremony

09 Dec 2024 (Monday)

Afternoon: Arrival and Check-In

  • Guests arrive at the retreat center and settle into their accommodations.

Evening: Opening Circle and Intention Setting

  • Welcome dinner and opening circle where participants set their intentions for the retreat.
  • Brief introduction to the schedule and facilitators.

10 Dec 2024 (Tuesday)

Morning: Yoga and Meditation

  • Gentle yoga session to prepare the body and mind.
  • Meditation focused on grounding and setting intentions.

Afternoon: Workshop – Introduction to Plant Medicine

  • Overview of the plant medicines that will be used during the retreat.
  • Discussion on the history, benefits, and preparation for the ceremonies.

Evening: Ayahuasca Ceremony

  • First Ayahuasca ceremony led by experienced shamans.

with Ancestral Plant Medicine Retreat

Day 3: Integration and Healing Practices / Day 4: Exploration and Second Ayahuasca Ceremony

11 Dec 2024 (Wednesday)

Morning: Sharing Circle

  • Group sharing session to discuss experiences from the Ayahuasca ceremony.

Afternoon: Kambo Ceremony

  • Introduction and administration of the Kambo medicine for cleansing and detoxification.

Evening: Sound Healing Session

  • Sound healing with instruments like gongs, singing bowls, and flutes to facilitate deeper integration.

12 Dec 2024 (Thursday)

Morning: Excursion to Sacred Sites

  • Visit a nearby sacred site in the Sacred Valley for a guided meditation and offering ceremony.

Afternoon: Free Time and Rest

  • Time for personal reflection, journaling, and rest.

 Evening: Ayahuasca Ceremony

  • Second Ayahuasca ceremony.

with Ancestral Plant Medicine Retreat

Day 5: Integration and Sananga/Rapé Ceremony / Day 6: San Pedro Ceremony

13 Dec 2024 (Friday)

Night: Return to Accommodation

Morning: Yoga and Breathwork

  • Yoga session to help integrate the Ayahuasca experience.
  • Breathwork to release any remaining tensions and connect deeper.

Afternoon: Sananga and Rapé Ceremony

  • Administration of Sananga eye drops for clearing vision and energetic blockages.
  • Rapé ceremony for grounding and mental clarity.

Evening: Movie Night/Group Activity

  • Light-hearted group activity or spiritual documentary screening.

Day 6: San Pedro Ceremony

14 Dec 2024 (Saturday)

Morning: Preparation for San Pedro Ceremony

  • Light breakfast and preparation talk.

Afternoon: San Pedro Ceremony

  • Full-day San Pedro ceremony, including outdoor activities like hiking or nature walks to connect with the spirit of the plant.

Evening: Integration Circle

  • Sharing circle to discuss experiences from the San Pedro ceremony.

with Ancestral Plant Medicine Retreat

Day 7: Temazcal Ceremony and Workshops / Day 8: Offering Pachamama Ceremony and Closing

15 Dec 2024 (Sunday)

Morning: Temazcal (Sweat Lodge) Ceremony

  • Traditional Temazcal ceremony for purification and renewal.

Afternoon: Workshops

  • Various workshops on topics such as herbal medicine, spiritual practices, and self-care techniques.

Evening: Cacao Ceremony

  • Heart-opening Cacao ceremony to foster connection and gratitude.

Day 8: Offering Pachamama Ceremony and Closing

16 Dec 2024 (Monday)

Morning: Offering Pachamama Ceremony

  • Ceremony to give thanks and make offerings to Pachamama (Mother Earth).

Afternoon: Closing Circle and Farewell Lunch

  • Final sharing circle to reflect on the retreat experience and set intentions for the future.
  • Farewell lunch and departure.

Additional Notes

Classes and Workshops will be interspersed throughout the week, covering topics such as:

  • Herbal medicine making
  • Traditional Andean spiritual practices
  • Yoga and meditation techniques
  • Art and creativity workshops

Meals will be vegetarian/vegan, locally sourced, and prepared to support the cleansing and healing process.

with Ancestral Plant Medicine Retreat

Love Ancestral Retreat?

Benefits of the Experience:

Profound Healing and Detoxification

Experience deep physical and emotional healing through powerful plant medicine ceremonies like Ayahuasca, San Pedro, and Kambo. These traditional practices cleanse your body of toxins and release deeply rooted emotional traumas, promoting overall wellness and rejuvenation.

Spiritual Awakening and Clarity

Awaken your spiritual self and gain profound insights into your life’s purpose. The retreat’s transformative experiences connect you with higher consciousness and the ancient wisdom of the Incas, providing clarity and a renewed sense of direction.

Connection with Nature and Pachamama

Immerse yourself in the breathtaking beauty of the Sacred Valley, fostering a deep connection with Pachamama (Mother Earth). This bond with nature’s healing energies enhances your spiritual journey and promotes a sense of peace and harmony.

Personal Growth and Transformation

Engage in workshops and activities designed to foster personal development, self-awareness, and inner peace. These experiences help you integrate the profound lessons learned during the ceremonies, leading to lasting positive changes in your life.

Supportive Community and Experienced Guidance

Build lasting bonds with a community of like-minded individuals who share your journey of healing and transformation. Receive expert guidance from skilled shamans and facilitators who provide a safe, sacred space, ensuring a respectful and impactful experience.


From $3,500 per person